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Dentures are prosthetic appliances that replace several missing teeth.
They can be partial, if only a couple of teeth are missing, or complete, if all the teeth are missing.

  • Advantages of dentures

    Quick, painless and cheap solution for replacing lost teeth.
  • Disadvantages of dentures

    They have to be taken out of mouth, You have to pay attention to the way You chew and the type of food You consume.

Prolong the durability of Your denture

  • Chewing food

    Do not over exert You denture by chewing hard food, use cutlery to make smaller bites.
  • Hygiene

    Clean Your denture after every meal and make them last longer.
  • Broken dentures

    Do not fix a broken denture Yourself, it has to be done precisely by a dental technician in a laboratory.
  • Adjusting dentures

    If Your denture becomes loose – visit Your dentist so he can perform a underlaying of the denture.

Download instructions for getting new dentures!

Find out all informations.


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Schedule Your appointment.
Call +385 21 615 300.


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