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Applying dermal hyaluronic fillers represents one of the most popular non-invasive corrective procedures today. Main advantages of this treatment are its speed and immediate results.

A known method with a wide usage

  • Correction of facial wrinkles

  • Modeling and filling deeper skin folds

  • Correcting the look and volume of lips

They are completely l biocompatible materialsl (no allergies) since hyaluronic acid is present in our skin giving it elasticity and support.čnost i potporu.


Take note of the results of the treatment

  • Asymmetry of the treated areas

    Wait for the anesthesia to wear off and for the swelling to come down. The ultimate effect of the correction can only be seen after a couple of days, especially for lips.
  • Hematoma

    This effect is caused by the penetration of the needle, not by the product itself. Hematoma will pass on its own after about 7 days. You can speed the process along by applying a zinc oxide cream, as early as 2 hours after the treatment.
  • Edema

    This effect is caused by the penetration of the needle, not by the product itself. Edema will pass on its own within a few hours, a can be helped along by putting cold bandages.

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