We use the latest generations of anesthetics, so all procedures are painless or with minimal pain. Even the more complicated teeth extraction is not painfull during the procedure.
Will I look good?
We try to find the best solution for every situation. We check multiple times until we make the best functional and aesthetic solution. Since we have our own dental laboratory, we approach each patient individually and monitor each phase of the manufacture of a prosthetic appliance (crowns, bridges, dentures).
Why does a tooth hurt the most in the evening?
The pain is caused by the pressure to the nerve endings within the dental pulp (“nerve”). The pain first appears when caries penetrates deep into the tooth and approaches the dental pulp. It is the strongest in the evening when the body is in a state of rest and more blood comes to the painful area, increasing the pressure on the nerves. The pain is especially intensified if there is a pus in the pulp, causing even more pressure on the nerves.
How long will it take?
Restorations of teeth are done quickly, because we use the latest trends in fillings and tooth treatment. Prosthetic procedures can last anywhere from 2 to 30 days, depending on the complexity of the situation. Our own dental laboratory allows us very short terms.
What are the consequences of an untreated inflammation of dental pulp tissue?
Bacteria that have penetrated the dental pulp with the caries cause the tissue of the pulp to disintegrate as they multiply. With more severe inflammation there is pus that can spread outside the root of the tooth and destroy the bone. If left untreated, an inflammation like this can lead to severe swelling which is visible on one's face and can cause serious problems. Sometimes, if the inflammation is mild, it can cause a chronic type of inflammation with the forming of granulation tissue around the top of the root (granuloma, cyst).
For how long can I put this off?
It is easier for patients and for us to treat the problem in its beginning and any delay only complicates any dental problem and makes it more expensive.
Download frequently asked questions and find out all the answers!
How much will it cost?
Quality and permanence cost more and more. If the situation in one's oral cavity is bad, it takes more effort and work to repair it. The price of every procedure is negotiated before the work starts. We are not the cheapest, but also not the most expensive in our town. We try to offer quality service at an acceptable price.
Is it useful to take fluorine preparations?
Fluorine has been proven as being very useful for the development of children's teeth and in preventing caries. We recommend to pregnant women to take 1 tablet of Fluonatril (1 mg) a day. It is useful to treat children's teeth, while they are being developed, with fluorine preparations in our clinic, and to use fluorine toothpastes. Adults do not gain anything from taking fluorine tablets, but fluorine toothpastes can help. With normal usage of all these preparations there is no possibility of any harmful effect of fluorine on one's body.
What is biocompatibility?
Every metal used in one's body or mouth has to be biocompatible, so it does not cause immune or allergic reaction. In a last couple of years, there has been an increase in changes in mouths, as consequences of allergic reactions to a metal. The reason for this is that more affordable alloys for dental prosthetics are trying to be found because of the expensiveness of gold. There is a whole array of those alloys on the market, but with time it has been discovered that certain metals in those alloys, such as beryllium or nickel, can cause reactions. We do not use alloys containing beryllium or nickel in our clinic. But, if we discover an allergic reaction to some of the other metals in the alloys, we try to avoid them by using non-metal prosthetic appliances (crowns, bridges).
When is the best time for a child to visit a dentist for the first time?
The best time for a child to visit a dentist is when it is about 3 years old. It is recommended that the child visits the clinic a few times before doing any work on its teeth. That way the dentist becomes the child's friend and the child trusts him or her. Only after the child trusts its dentist, minor repairs can be done. Painful procedures and pulling out teeth are to be avoided for as long as possible.
I suffer from constant lip sores. How can I treat them?
The corners of the lips are, due to the ever present saliva, prone to inflammation. By opening one's mouth wide, the oral mucosa can crack, which is painful. Causes of the inflammation are dirty hands (children), unclean cutlery and glasses, lack of vitamin B2, Candida albicans fungus, unaligned upper and lower jaw (malocclusion) etc. It is treated with antibiotic creams, but one needs to treat the prosthetic condition of teeth or replace worn-out old denture.
How long can bridges and crowns last?
With regular checkups, good maintenance and careful chewing, crowns and bridges can optimally last for 10 years. However, with constant changes to one's teeth, gums and jawbones, it is sometimes necessary to replace them sooner than that.
How is the patient protected from mutual infections?
We use disposable cups, suction tips, gloves, needles, anesthetics. After each patient we desinfect the work area and the chair. We have enough instruments not to use the same one multiple times a day. At the end of each workday we sterilize all the instruments.
Is it dangerous to expose oneself to radiation in pregnancy?
One should avoid X-rays while pregnant, especially in the first trimester. After the fourth month one can take X-rays of teeth, but only if it is necessary.
Why are some teeth sensitive to cold?
Sensitivity can be a consequence of caries which then needs to be treated. Sometimes a tooth is sensitive without any visible caries, especially in the area of the “neck of the tooth”. It can especially happen due to receding gums or brushing too hard. In that case we must either repair that part of the tooth or treat it with special preparations. Sometimes it is enough to use a toothpaste for “sensitive” teeth.
I have a problem with dry mouth. What can I do?
Low flow of saliva can be a consequence of certain diseases, menopause, side effect of certain medications (antidepressants, antihistamines, diuretics), but also of old age. Dry oral mucosa is vulnerable and prone to inflammation. To stimulate saliva, we recommend consuming food that needs to be chewed longer, drinking acidic drinks and using sugar free hard candy. You should drink a lot of water and avoid spicy food. You can rinse Your mouth with chamomile or sage tea. Some situations require the use of artificial saliva. If You suffer from dry mouth for a long time, You should definitely visit Your dentist, as well as Your doctor!
I often suffer from mouth ulcers. What can I do?
The exact cause of mouth ulcers has not been determined. Main causes are: genetics, hormonal imbalances, stress, low immunity, mechanical injuries and lack of vitamin B complex and iron. A mouth ulcer is the rupture of the oral mucosa where bacteria are settled and cause an inflammation making the entire area very painful. One should maintain good oral hygiene and rinse the mouth with mouth disinfectants. The wound is treated with an antibiotic cream. You should avoid spicy food and stressful situations. In case of lack of vitamins and iron You should take food supplements. Mouth ulcers pass after 4 – 7 days.
How long can dentures last?
Dentures (complete and partial) can last from 3 to 8 years. They often last longer, but due to changes in the support of dentures (oral mucosa and jawbones) it is more and more difficult to use old dentures so they need to be replaced.
Do we recommend replacing amalgam fillings (black fillings)?
We think there are far better materials than amalgam for fillings, but we do not insist on replacing good amalgam fillings. We only recommend replacing bad ones.
Is it advisable to take frequent X-rays of one's teeth?
Modern X-rays with 60-70 KV of power do not present any danger to Your body because the area of radiation is small and quick (0.10 to 0.50 parts of a second). You are more exposed to harmful radiation while sunbathing, due to ozone holes.
Should one's baby teeth be pulled out?
Baby teeth will fall out when permanent teeth erupt. A baby tooth should be pulled out if the permanent tooth erupted behind the baby tooth and the baby tooth is still firm. A baby tooth should be pulled out if it is a constant cause of inflammation. Otherwise, it should be left intact to guard the space for its permanent “successor”.
I have bad breath. What should I do?
Bad breath can be a consequence of bad oral hygiene and neglected teeth (multiple caries), bacterial or fungal inflammation of the oral mucosa or periodontitis. You should increase oral hygiene and rinse Your mouth with mouth disinfectants, while the infected teeth should be treated thoroughly. If bad breath is the consequence of digestive problems linked to Your esophagus or stomach, You should see Your doctor!
How long can composite fillings last?
Changing current fillings can be expected in approximately 5 years. You can make Your fillings last longer by doing regular yearly checkups (at least once a year), maintaining good oral hygiene, avoiding sweets, giving up smoking.
What is the warranty on your services?
The warranty on our services is one year.
Porcelain or metal allergies?
Porcelain or dental ceramics
Consists of metal oxides that melt into glass at high temperatures (800-900°). Since this form of glass can not be dissolved, there is no danger of ceramic particles irritating Your body. These metal molecules can not effect the immune system of the patient.
The complete opposite situation is with different alloys that are used for bases for crowns, bridges and dentures. For prosthetic work gold, cobalt-chrome, palladium, titanium or nickel based alloys are used.
Palladium alloys
Became popular around 30 years ago because of good technical characteristics and acceptable price. Allergic reactions are extremely rare.
Cobalt-chrome alloys
Are very good and a very small number of patients can be allergic to them.
Gold alloys
Have a few admixtures of other metals in small quantities for achieving greater hardness and such. Persons allergic to those admixtures are very rare, while the possibility of an allergy to gold itself is extremely rare. Because of good technical and biological characteristics of gold, gold alloys are considered the best metal for any kind of prosthetic work. Their only disadvantage is high price.
Is one of the most widespread metals on Earth. Alloys containing nickel are used for a whole range of everyday items (keys, doorhandles, showers, jewelery, etc.). Allergic reactions to nickel alloys in one's mouth are very common, which is why we do not use them in our clinic.
Is completely biologically acceptable and there are no known cases of allergies to this metal.
People are not born with extra-sensitivity to any of these metals. However, since we are constantly exposed to harmful substances in water, food, air, the human body gradually becomes sensitive to a certain allergen. This means that You can have a crown on Your tooth for years without experiencing any problems, but after Your body becomes sensitive due to outside factors, there is an allergic reaction to a certain allergen (e.g. Nickel).
Inflammatory reaction, or an allergy to a metal starts as a minor redness that gradually increases. Gingiva (gums) turns a blue-red color, becomes swollen and bleeds, even on its own. The inflammation is localized to gingiva, that is, the spot where it is in contact with the crowns. It does not spread to the whole body and does not cause general problems with the patient. Very sensitive patients can become nervous, start salivating, experience “tension” in their mouth and a metallic taste.
The only therapy for an allergic reaction is to REMOVE THE CAUSE, that is, replace the crowns. Before making a new prosthetic, it is recommended to make allergy test with a dermatologist so we can choose an alloy for the new prosthetic work.
Is amalgam (black fillings) bad for health?
Amalgam has been used for dental fillings as early as 6th century BC in ancient China, and in today's form since 1850. Amalgam is a compound of several metals with mercury that forms a strong chemical bond. It consists of 65-70% silver, 26-29% tin, zinc, copper and no more than 3% mercury. Mercury is toxic, although its toxicity after bonding with metal dust in the amalgam has not been proven.
There are constant discussions about the possible harmful effect of amalgam on people's health, although direct toxicity of mercury on one's body has not been proven. Mercury from amalgam fillings is gradually released during the first few hours after the filling is placed. This does not necessarily have an effect on a person's health, although some extra-sensitive people can have smaller discomforts that go away on their own.
Only the existence of galvanic current between amalgam fillings and other metals in one's mouth (crowns, bridges, dentures), with saliva acting as the electrolyte, has been proven. These galvanic currents can cause changes to one's oral mucosa.
It is often used metal because it is hard, durable and it is not expensive. However, its use is decreasing due to the increasing use of newer and better " white " composite materials for dental fillings.